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Formal Complaints

If you have a concern


Talk to us first


We're committed to providing you with the highest standard of service. If you have a concern with any aspect of our service or a decision we have made, please bring it to our attention by contacting us:


    Phone number: 09 920 6533 


Our internal review panel


If our Customer Services team have been unable to resolve your problem, you can make a formal complaint in writing to:​



Aioi NZ Complaints Review Panel

PO Box 17504


Auckland 1546

Click on this link to lodge a complaint:
If our internal process has not worked for you


If the matter is not resolved to your satisfaction by our internal review panel, you can ask the Insurance and Financial Services Ombudsman (IFSO) to review your complaint. IFSO is an external dispute resolution scheme which you have free access to. Please refer to their website for further details of this service.


Formal Complaints

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